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Showing posts from April 22, 2018

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Heart Attack in Women and Modifiable Risk Factors

Women must wear scarfs

Chain snatching incidents are on the rise. People are quick to blame the police for their inaction to check this rise. But the problem is deep rooted and the blame has to be shared by all. It begins with wide spread poverty and joblessness, and ends with women being the easy target to earn some quick buck. See below some videos and it will throw some light on how women provide the opportunity. Here is a video of a recent incident in Chennai, Below is a video of 15 chain snatching incidents in 2016, So, the solution lies in frustrating the would be thief by covering your bare neck with  a scarf. Easy priced scarfs are available online which will do the trick. You can buy scarfs online from, Maxfashion                                                                                                 Flipkart Myntra                                                                                                         Shopperstop Amazon