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Showing posts from March 17, 2019

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Heart Attack in Women and Modifiable Risk Factors

India Lags in Women/Children Nourishment and Clean India Campaign

What India could learn from Ethiopia about food security Chokchai Suksatavonraphan/Shutterstock Ivica Petrikova , Royal Holloway Despite India’s fast economic growth and poverty reduction over the past few decades, food insecurity remains very high . This puzzle has been named the “South Asian enigma” . Some indicators of food insecurity, especially child undernourishment rates, are now worse in India than in Ethiopia. This is despite the fact that Ethiopia has only a quarter of India’s per capita income and has suffered many famines in the 20th century. A comparison of how the governments of these two countries manage food insecurity suggests that the key to resolving the South Asian enigma lies in the nourishment and sanitation of children in their first 1,000 days of life – from conception to their second birthday. Support for pregnant women The malnutrition of Indian children often starts in the womb. Just over half of adu...