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benefits of Super food Peanut butter

Peanut butter is fairly nutritious food consumed by 90% of American households. It has reached the status of a superfood high in healthy fats and protein

All natural peanut butter is a low carb food. It is high in healthy fats, has moderates amount of protein and has a relatively high amount of fiber.

Also, peanut butter is a rich source of niacin, folate, Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that protects nervous membranes, along with a host of other essential nutrients and minerals. It's also high in fiber. 

Peanut butter is a good source of magnesium, which is an essential nutrient for people with diabetes. Continuous periods of high blood sugar may reduce magnesium levels in the body.

Thiamine is also present which helps the brain and nervous system convert glucose to energy.

For full nutritional details see here.

Unsaturated fats, which make up the majority of the fat content in peanut butter, help reduce LDL cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease.  

It is a good bedtime snack because the high protein in peanut butter helps in inducing sleep.
Proteins in the food that we eat are the building blocks of tryptophan, which causes sleepiness 

Health benefits of peanut butter include weight loss, boosting heart health, bodybuilding, managing blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of breast disease and many more. 

Including protein-rich foods, such as peanut butter, in a reduced-calorie diet may boost fat loss more than the same diet without sufficient protein. 

What's more, eating protein-rich foods like peanut butter can reduce appetite and preserve muscle mass during weight loss.

Peanut butter’s nutritional profile just got another boost. A recent clinical trial conducted by researchers from the Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine, in St. Louis, suggests that eating peanut butter or nuts may lower the risk for a benign form of breast cancer.

After looking at all the amassed data, the researchers discovered that women who ate peanut butter or nuts three times per week reduced their risk for getting benign breast disease by an astonishing 39%.

Peanut butter is high in monounsaturated fats, which increase dopamine. Increasing dopamine can boost female sexual pleasure.

It is also suitable for a ketogenic diet.

Shelf life of Peanut butter is pretty good. It can remain at room temperature for months without spoiling. Low moisture levels and high oil content keep this butter from going bad for quite some time. Peanut butter can go rancid in about a year and eventually lose its flavor.

Even past the expiry date if it's unopened it will still  be good. Opened, peanut butter will slowly develop off-flavors and turn bad in about a year. But it's still very unlikely to make you sick

 While fungi and bacteria won't ruin peanut butter, oxygenation eventually will.

In India, which is the second largest producer of peanuts in the world after China, peanut butter consumption is negligible. 

After accounting for oil production, seeding and exports, about 30% is consumed for domestic purpose here.The domestic consumption of peanut is in the form of various snacks such as fried peanuts, sweet bars called chikis etc.

But nuts are hard to digest and can irritate the lining of your intestines, act almost like sandpaper in your intestines. They also don't get digested fully and can cause diarrhea

Other forms like liquid, milk, paste etc. are not popular yet.

Considering the health benefits and nutritious value of peanut butter Indian household can use it as bread/paratha spread in their morning breakfast, instead of butter or ghee.

Start your day with these healthy peanut butter recipes given here

Also can use it as a snack, also a bed time snack, or to reduce appetite without gaining weight. 

Studies have shown that snacking on controlled amounts of peanut butter or peanuts is a good way to control hunger without weight gain.

Kids will love sweetened versions and it is full of energy. But unsweetened peanut butter with only peanuts are better than the sweetened versions for those on diet or weight control.

Crunchy peanut butter is liked by kids and adults alike world over. 

The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) issued new guidance on what toddlers should eat to stay healthy. 

Its experts advised serving children on such diets including peanut butter on bread or toast.

For the elderly it would be the easiest source of good cholesterol and protein. 

Some precautions must be taken while feeding to infants so that they become allergy resistant.

Apples and peanut butter together make an ideal snack with each high in nutrition in their own right. They create an ideal balance of nutrients that today’s popular snacks can compete with.

Try this delicious and tasty  recipe, PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE CHIP NO-BAKE GRANOLA SQUARES, full of energy.

Peanut butter cures,
  • baldness 
  • headache
  • eczema
  • hangover
  • heartburn
  • constipation 
  • hiccups  
Is your stomach filled with gas? Eating peanut butter may make you feel comfortable.

Some popular peanut butter brands available in Amazon,
  1. Just Nuts All Natural Peanut Butter
  2. Pintola All Natural Peanut Butter
  3. Alpino Natural Peanut Butter Crunch
  4. Teddie Natural Peanut Butter with Flaxseed Chunky
  5. American Garden Peanut Butter
On prime day sale Amazon is offering special discount on all brands.

Some peanut butter are probiotic infused. Probiotics are good bacteria that help improve your health.

Probiotics may offer benefits against a range of health conditions, including allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, depression, heart disease, and gastrointestinal (GI) problems. 

Probiotics may even help with weight loss and cognitive function.

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