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Mr. Rajinikant seen in a casino in USA:

Mr. Rajinikant went to USA on 28th July 2017 supposedly for a health checkup and rest. Today he was spotted in a casino and it has been twittered by Mr Subramanian swamy in his usual caustic style.

Already, when some interested quarters tried to push Mr Rajini to the forefront of Tamilnadu politics, Mr Swamy was the first to up the ante.

Calling Mr Rajini as uneducated and not fit for politics has not earned Mr Swamy any friends. On the contrary it has earned Mr Rajini more sympathizers. If past trend is to be believed, this will only help Mr Rajini and hasten his entry into politics.

Frankly, Mr Swamy has failed to read the psychology of Tamil voters from past experience. It has not changed much since the MGR time and, therefore, a popular leader, rather than an educated one, has a better chance.

Assuming he is elevated to the helm of Tamilnadu, or, for that matter, any other popular leader, the people of Tamilnadu, without going into depth, will not benefit from it. To really benefit people have to be discernible enough to select and elect a person on his credentials, even if he is not educated or with some basic education, rather than vote for the person thrust on them by the popular leader or use the NOTA option available now.

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